Animation courses Fees For Different Specializations

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Know Different Animation Courses

Know Different Animation Courses

What is an animation course?

There are several animation courses available that students all different abilities and skills and apply to. Students have the option of selecting from long as well short term animation courses that can be completed in 4 years to 2 years and sometimes even in a year, depending on the level of expertise. Animation courses fees also differ significantly depending on what course you wish to pursue.

The animation courses fees for long duration programs like bachelor’s degree that spans 4 years, cost a lot more than the 2-year post graduate or associate certificate courses. When you look at the animation courses fees it is important to check the structure of the content that is on offer for the various programs available. The distance learning animation courses fees are comparatively lesser as compared to their classroom counterparts.

To save on high animation courses fees, students can also acquire their basic certification in computer course prior to joining these courses.

Animation Courses Fees for Different Specializations

  1. In India, a 3D animation courses fees are estimated at somewhere between INR 65,000 to about INR 2,50,000. This range includes the various skill levels in the area of 3D animation and you can select the ones that best meet your requirement.
  2. A graphic design and multimedia animation courses fees are in the lower price range of INR 30,000 to INR 1,40,000. This is a good way for a beginner to get acquainted with the world of graphic designing.
  3. Gaming Animation courses fees again are on an average price range of INR 30,000 to 1,45,000. This is a fast emerging category in animations and has good prospects as well.
  4. The VFX animation courses fees are available at an affordable INR 50,000 but for those students who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge and skills to be able to work in movies and televisions, there is a slightly higher priced program for INR 2,50,000 which covers the subject in a lot more detail.
  5. Short-term animation courses are meant for students who want an introduction into this area of study or want to learn the basics of this field. The course fee for these programs ranges from INR 7,000 to INR 90,000.
  6. One of the most expensive animation courses fees is that of media and entertainment animation. The fee can shoot up to as high as INR 3,50,000. The use of the skills acquired in this program that is extensive in nature can be seen in big movies, and VFX games and other visuals that are big money generators. The demand for such talent is high in the market and the competition, fierce.

If you are interested to join animation course, Times & Trends Academy is one of the best institutes that you must consider. Contact now for more!